- I realize that my attendance at the Iowa Thespian Festival is a privilege that may be revoked if I do not follow this Code of Conduct. I realize I am representing my school and my troupe and I must act accordingly.
- I realize that violating the Iowa Thespian Festival Code of Conduct may result in my being sent home without refund of fees. A parent or guardian will be required to pick up any student who is sent home for violating these rules.
- I will follow ALL theatre etiquette rules during performances, workshops & activities…
- I will NOT bring ANY food/drink inside the performance or workshop spaces.
- I will be attentive and cooperative during all performances and workshops.
- I will respond to performances and workshop presenters in appropriate ways.
- I will NOT take flash photos during performances.
- I will NOT bring audio devices (iPods/MP3 Players) into any classroom or theatre on campus (unless required by the workshop, audition, or rehearsal).
- I realize that if I must leave during a performance or workshop, I will wait until an appropriate time to exit and to re-enter.
- I will attend all Festival events, and I will support all performers and performances.
- I will respect all Festival participants, including students, chaperones, directors and Festival staff.
- I will not leave the campus at any time without approval of my Troupe Director.
- I will not destroy, damage, steal, take, or rearrange any property that does not belong to me.
- I will treat all Festival adjudicators and workshop presenters as professionals and will show them courtesy and respect. I realize that adjudicators and presenters have the right to collect my badge, remove me from any activity, and report me to the Festival staff for discipline if I am rude, uncooperative, or discourteous.
- I realize that any student/troupe causing a disturbance and/or not participating in Festival events may be excluded from next year’s Festival and reported to my school’s administrator in charge of discipline.
- I will not bring or use any drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal substances. I understand that breaking this rule will result in my immediate removal from the Festival and a referral by the Festival staff to my school’s administrator in charge of discipline.
Delegates violating Festival security rules and regulations will meet with their directors, chaperones, and Festival officials. Violations may result in the delegate losing Festival privileges, and, depending on the severity of the offense, may include removal from Festival. If a student is sent home from Festival for any reason, the Festival will not be financially responsible for the costs incurred.